
Know Your Insurance Carrier's Financial Rating

Know Your Insurance Carrier's Financial Rating

Often overlooked during an insurance purchase is a carriers financial rating. It is important to at least know what the financial rating of your insurance carrier is. AM Best is a widely used credit rating organization specializing in the financial and insurance sector.

Insurance Carrier's Declaration Page

Insurance Carrier's Declaration Page
Insurance carrier's declaration page is a name that historically comes from the past and typically declares or states as to what coverages are specifically provided for a unique risk. Most insurance contracts and policies nowadays are boilerplate templates and contracts. So paying attention to what is on the declaration page or pages is extremely important as that can specifically define what is and what is not being covered by the insurance carrier. Normally the declaration page or pages can provide 95% of the information that usually you would be searching for. Most declaration pages have the same basic categories of information which we will explain below.

5 Basic Facts About Health Insurance Policies In A Bad Economy

Insurance Article Center - 5 Basic Facts About Health Insurance Policies In A Bad Economy

3 Ways Your Health Insurance Company Is Scamming You

3 Ways Your Health Insurance Company Is Scamming You
The growing number of consumers taking up health insurance plans has led to the mushrooming of scam health insurance providers. These providers often target new retirees and the elderly individuals

Insurance Article Center

Insurance Article Center